Frequently asked questions by dentists
How do I get started with LM-Activator™?
LM-Dental™ arranges training courses with experienced lecturers. The best way of getting started is to attend a training course. If you are interested in participating, please give your contact details here.
How is the right model chosen?
A thorough case-by-case analysis of the patient’s malocclusion and its severity as well as the patient’s motivation is needed. Evaluating the dentoalveolar, skeletal and functional characteristics of the patient is an essential part of selecting cases for LM-Activator™ treatment. A large assortment of models makes it possible to select the appropriate LM-Activator™ for the patient. Please see some rules for model selection.
LM-OrthoSizer™ is a measure for aiding the selection of the appropriate size. It measures the distance across the upper incisors. In case of crowding or diastemas, consider a larger or smaller appliance. More information on selecting the size with LM-OrtoSizer.
For what kind of malocclusion is treatment with LM-Activator™ suitable?
LM-Activator™ has proven to be effective in treatment of different malocclusions in different dental stages. A thorough case-by-case analysis of the patient’s malocclusion and its severity as well as the patient’s motivation is needed. Evaluating the dentoalveolar, skeletal and functional characteristics of the patient is an essential part of selecting cases for LM-Activator™ treatment. Typical cases include Deep bite, Crowding and dentoalveolar anterior Crossbite. Please see the guidelines for case selection.
Do I need to change the LM-Activator™ during treatment?
The number of appliances depends on the type of the malocclusions and the duration of treatment. Sometimes one appliance is sufficient and sometimes a number of appliances are needed.
An example is to change from Short model to Long model when the second molars have erupted. Another example is that it may be necessary to change to a larger size when the maxillary and mandibular lateral incisors begin to erupt. In case of crowding or diastemas, consider selecting a larger or smaller appliance (1-2 sizes smaller or larger). Take the expansion of the dental arches during the mixed dentition into account as well.
What are the benefits of LM-Activator™ compared to other treatments?
With LM-Activator™, alignment, leveling and anteroposterior correction can be done at the same time without separate phases. A large assortment of models makes it possible to select the appropriate LM-Activator™ for the patient. Treatment complexity for both the clinician and the patient can be reduced.
What are the benefits of intervening early?
- By intervening early, the development of a malocclusion may be prevented. Research indicates that small malocclusions develop into more severe malocclusions. Straightening protruding front teeth reduces the risk that a tooth is damaged in an accident.
- Self-esteem can be improved by correcting visible malocclusions.
- Malocclusion may increase the risk of caries. By correcting the malocclusion without delay, the risk of caries can be reduced.
- When treating early, more gentle orthodontic treatment like LM-Activator™ can be used instead of more complex treatment applying more force.
How to support co-operation?
With all removable appliances, patient co-operation is essential for successful treatment. The first month is crucial in adopting the habit to use the appliance, because creating a habit in general requires 3-4 weeks of regularity. To motivate the patient and his/her family, age appropriate material is available. It is important to make sure the patient and his/her family understands that irregular use may be equivalent with no treatment at all.
Sleeping with LM-Activator™ might require some practicing, so advise the patient to try sleeping with it a little longer every night. To practice keeping LM-Activator™ in the mouth during daytime makes it easier to keep it while sleeping. Many children get so used to sleeping with LM-Activator™ that they will find it difficult to sleep without it.
How to instruct the patient in case of thumb sucking?
In order to the treatment to be successful it is important to eliminate the habit of thumb sucking. The child should be helped and encouraged to stop the habit but not forced. The dental correction can be supported by starting to use LM-Trainer™ at night-time and during that time of the day when the habit is present.

Frequently asked questions by child patients and parents
What is LM-Activator™?
LM-Activator™ is a tooth aligner and activator made of soft silicone. It supports the healthy development of a child’s teeth and jaws. If a tooth is not developing in the right way, LM-Activator™ can gently guide it to the correct place and position. At the same time, LM-Activator™ supports the natural growth of the face for achieving a healthy relationship between upper and lower jaws.
Intervening already when a small problem or risk is detected may prevent it from developing into a bigger problem. LM-Activator™ provides soft guidance to teeth and jaws when needed and incorrect development can be avoided and corrected.
How is it used?
LM-Activator™ is used while sleeping. The teeth should be kept tightly in the appliance with lips closed. If treatment is started after eruption of the permanent upper centrals, two hours of day-wear is recommended in addition to night-wear. Day-wear is continued until the malocclusion is corrected.
How to create a habit of the use of the appliance?
It is very important to create a habit of the use of the appliance from the beginning. Creating a habit of the use of the LM-Activator™ appliance can be supported in two different ways.
First, daytime wear can be progressively increased. The use can be gradually increased from 15 minutes to 30 minutes and to 1 hour during the first days to arrive up to 2 hours per day. Night-time wear can be started at any point when the child feels comfortable with keeping the appliance in the mouth.
Second, the LM-Activator™ should be worn both during the day and during the whole night. Night-time wear means from 8 o’clock in the evening to the next morning. The total wear time should be 10-12 hours per day
After the habit to use the appliance is created, the use should continue as prescribed by the doctors, either both daytime wear and night-time wear, or only night-time wear. The time to create the new habit vary with children. Sometimes one week is enough, but sometimes more time is required, even several weeks. The parents have an important role in supporting the use and the creation of the habit.
Age-appropriate motivational material is available for supporting the start of the use of the LM-Activator™ and the creation of the habit.
How does it work?
If a tooth is not developing in the right way, LM-Activator™ can gently guide it to the correct place and position. LM-Activator™ moves the teeth and jaw a small step in the right direction every night. If it is not used, they will try to move back. Therefore a regular use is important.
When the teeth and jaw have found the right places, LM-Activator™ helps keeping them there.
If your tongue is lying on the floor of the mouth, LM-Activator™ helps the tongue find the roof of the mouth.
LM-Activator™ also helps you to breathe through your nose.
Is it difficult to breathe with it?
The natural way to breath is to breathe through the nose with the mouth closed, except for when talking or during sports or physical exercise. It is easy to breathe with LM-Activator™ because it allows you to breathe freely through your nose. If allergy or flu is causing nose stuffiness that makes it difficult to breathe through your nose, the flu or allergy should be taken care of before starting to use LM-Activator™.
Chronic mouth breathing may possibly interfere with natural growth of the face and airways. LM-Activator™ makes it easier for mouth breathers to learn to breathe through the nose.
Is it difficult to sleep with?
Sleeping with LM-Activator™ might require some practicing in the beginning, because LM-Activator™ may fall out while sleeping before you get used to it. Keeping it in the mouth during daytime makes it easier to keep it in the mouth while sleeping. You will soon be used to sleeping with it. Many children get so used to sleeping with it that they will find it difficult to sleep without it.
How to keep the appliance inside the mouth of the child during the night?
When the appliance falls out during the night, the appliance should be used also during the day. The appliance is kept in the mouth by the muscles. In the beginning of the treatment, for example in the case of mouth breathing, the muscles can be weak and require training to keep the appliance in the mouth. Daytime wear, when the child actively keeps the appliance is the mouth, activates the muscles and is usually enough to train the muscles in keeping the appliance in the mouth, but the time required may vary. Some children can start sleeping with it immediately whereas others require daytime wear for some period, which could be even weeks. When the LM-Activator remain in the mouth all night every night for one week it is not necessary to wear it during the day.
Daytime wear can be up to 2 hours per day and this time can be divided into shorter periods of at least 30 minutes. Advise the child to keep the appliance in the mouth with the teeth in the bottom of the appliance. It is good to make daytime wear a habit, so that the child would do it always when doing something regular, for example watching videos, or when sitting in a car. Wearing the appliance should preferably be associated with something positive.
It is important to make the use of the LM-Activator™ a habit from the beginning and this will help in keeping the appliance in the mouth throughout the night.
Will the treatment be painful?
Using LM-Activator™ feels comfortable. During the first days there might be a feeling of tension, which is normal and means that LM-Activator™ is working and the soft silicone is applying force on the teeth. This will go away and you will soon be used to your LM-Activator™.
What is the best age for the treatment?
LM-Activator™ can be used at different ages. Your dentist will evaluate the best time. Some children benefit from treatment as early as at the age five or six years.
When the first milk tooth in the upper jaw falls out, the opportunities are wide for guiding the development of both teeth and jaws because the roots of the permanent teeth are not yet fully developed. When the roots are still growing, it may be easier on the teeth to guide them into the correct position and place.

What is the benefit of LM-Activator™ compared to other treatments?
The smooth and flexible silicone and anatomical shape with round edges makes LM-Activator™ feel comfortable. Silicone is soft by nature so no softeners are needed and LM-Activator™ is additive free. No coloring or fragrance agents, phthalates or phthalate substitutes, bisphenols or latex.
LM-Activator™ is easy to clean and it can be disinfected in boiling water when needed (e.g. because of a flu).
LM-Activator™ is removable, which offers many benefits compared to e.g. fixed metal braces:
- You can eat any food normally.
- You can brush your teeth normally and the LM-Activator™ is also easy to clean.
- You can exercise and do any sports.
- LM-Activator™ is easy to use and no metal wire adjustment is needed. You save time and bother.
Where can I get this treatment?
Ask your dentist about the option of treatment with LM-Activator™. Your dentist can evaluate your situation and tell you more about the options or refer you to a colleague.
Can there be any harmful side effects of the treatment?
The smooth and flexible silicone and anatomical shape with round edges makes LM-Activator™ feel comfortable. When LM-Activator™ is used according to the instructions and under the supervision of a dentist with special training and expertise in orthodontics, there is no need for concern.
Silicone is soft by nature so no softeners are needed and LM-Activator™ is additive free. It is fully biocompatible and there are no coloring or fragrance agents, phthalates or phthalate substitutes, bisphenols or latex.
How can I follow the progress of the treatment myself?
It is good to take photos at the start of the treatment and with regular intervals, e.g. once a month. When comparing the photos you can see the progress that you have made.
How can LM-Activator™ be cleaned?
Rinse LM-Activator™ daily before and after use. It can be cleaned by using a toothbrush. Toothpaste may cause scratches and shouldn’t be used. LM-Activator™ can be disinfected in boiling water for at least 1 minute. The box can be washed in a dishwasher. Inspect your LM-Activator™ regularly. If it is worn or damaged, do not use it and contact your dentist.
How do I store LM-Activator™?
Always keep your LM-Activator™ in the same place to make it easier to remember to use it. Keep it in its own box.
Keep your LM-Activator™ in a place where pets can’t reach it because they may think it’s a chew toy. Dogs have a very good sense of smell and can find your LM-Activator™ because it has your scent.