LM-Activator™ is a prefabricated appliance for supporting healthy growth and development of the face and jaw. The ideal time for treatment with LM-Activator™ is in early mixed dentition when the first teeth are changing. By intervening early, the need for further treatment can be significantly reduced and even eliminated. Research indicates that malocclusions in deciduous dentition persist and tend to become more severe as the dentition develops. LM-Activator™ is developed and made in Finland.

Gently guiding the growth of erupting teeth and growing jaws can be compared to trimming and supporting a young plant. Guiding to a healthy growth path early and along the growth is more gentle and the outcome will be more natural.

The 20th Anniversary of LM-Activator™
We celebrated the 20th anniversary of LM-Activator™ in 2024. For 20 years, LM-Activator™ has been helping children by correcting dental arches and creating beautiful smiles!
Preventive early orthodontics
“The appliance has many advantages. Most importantly, early treatment with LM-Activator™ will stop the development of the malocclusions, thereby preventing the malocclusion to become more severe. For children, LM-Activator™ is easy to use. The treatment is easy and straightforward, and the treatment outcome more natural.”
Professor Emeritus Juha Varrela, DDS, PhD, Specialist in Orthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, University of Turku, Finland

What is
- Supporting healthy development
of teeth and jaw
- Ideal in early mixed dentition
- Preventive early treatment
Why treat early
The ideal time for treatment with LM-Activator™ is in early mixed dentition when the first teeth are changing. By intervening early, the need for further treatment can be significantly reduced and even eliminated. Research indicates that malocclusions in deciduous dentition persist and tend to become more severe as the dentition develops. LM-Activator™ provides soft guidance to teeth and jaws when needed.